When the odor in the bathroom gets to be too much it is best to use something to freshen the air, so as not to stink out the next user. Flushing in mid-plop gets to be costly over time, so not the wisest use of water. There are some alternatives though:

1. Perfume/Cologne spray
2. Air Freshener/deoderizer
3. Matches

Perfume/cologne is costly and a waste of a good smell. If you got the perfume/cologne as a gift and hate to waste, even though you don’t like it -then that could be useful. But then, why not just regift the item to someone else and save yourself a few dollars.

Air Fresheners aren’t a great idea if you are a ‘green’ person and don’t want to use aerosol cans or add to the waste in your house. They can be gotten quite cheap though with a coupon and a decent sale. However, how long do you hold the spray part down? That would determine the life of the can, causing cost per use to go up and make it less appealing.

Matchsticks are my favorite. They are small, easy to use and very cheap. I can pick up four in a package for 50Â ¢ and those last me quite a while in the bathroom. Best part, if the match doesn’t actually light, just burns, it still works thanks to the sulfur that ‘sucks up’ the smell. The downside is that having matches around children can lead to more than the match burning.

You may also want to light a candle as you walk into the bathroom as well. Just remember to blow it out or you’ll run through candles quickly and that won’t be very cost effective.