Academic research carried out by three British universities says gay women in couples earn 35% more than their straight counterparts. Moreover, lesbians have a better chance of being employed.

I think it is great that studies are being done to determine differences, if any, between straight and gay people. Although I’m a little flummuxed as to why this study was published without some more in depth study, I am thankful they are looking at it. One question that stands out to me is, “Did any of these people have children?”

I have read over the years how children can cut into salaries because single or childless people are considered more flexible. I also recall some statements about childless people being more career oriented and therefore they rise in the company faster. Whether this is predominantly true, I haven’t come across any resounding yes or no on it.

Though this is just a little blurb and the study was done over in the U.K; it is encouraging to read about gay men and women moving along the salary ladder smoothly. I’ll take as much inspiration as possible, even if it is thousands of miles away.