An Aversion to Generic
What are some things that you would not buy generic or 2nd hand?
For Myself:
1. Underwear! – This includes socks and bras.
2. Exercise shoes ‘“ I buy shoes that have a certain arch for my foot design. However, dress shoes that have no arch- flat shoes; I could buy second hand, along with kick-around shoes. I have bought flip flops second hand, but I did sanitize them well before wearing.
3. Swimwear ‘“ This I buy new and I know it will last for years.
4. Hair Brush and Combs ‘“ These I buy new, no lice or critter to pass on.
5. Toilet Paper ‘“ Only in a crisis, I would buy generic or even use a newspaper.
6. Mattresses ‘“ They conform to the sleeper and the age can be unknown. Plus it can’t be sanitized well enough to my liking.
7. Computers ‘“ Maybe as a backup, but I don’t want to inherit someone else’s adware or un-erased information.
8. Bike Helmet ‘“ There could be unseen cracks.
All in all, if I can wash it/sanitize it, I would consider most things. Ultimately it’s about health and safety. The T.P. is about comfort.
What things would you NOT buy generic or 2nd hand?
Additional reading:
Things I Learned from being Poor
Dawn C. is site owner of and is residing in Colorado with her spouse, Teri, of 11 years. Dawn can be reached at
I do not buy generic or secondhand:
1. Underwear, bras, socks — I know some people do, but it’s just icky to me.
2. I always buy new computers, and I usually buy a good computer to start with. It costs more initially, but in the long run buying the better processors, memory, etc gets five years out of a machine. Next year, I’m considering replacing my current desktop. Iregret buying the laptop I currently own.
3. Most appliances, unless they are nearly new and have been used very little. I did buy my washer and dryer from a lady in my complex who was moving and couldn’t take them, but they were six months old, still under warranty and had barely been used. Usually, I would prefer to buy new so the warranties are in place.
4. Electronic equipment. Sometimes that warranty is a life saver.
5. Shoes. I’m not big on second-hand shoes or generic ones. I have problems with my ankles, and I’ve been buying better shoes to avoid foot and ankle pain. The same goes for my son’s shoes. I just can’t buy second hand shoes.
Pretty much anything else, I’m fine buying second hand or generic. I pretty much buy all generic cleaning products at my local dollar store. I’ve found them to be just as good as the brand name, some are even better. That $1 box of dishwasher detergent actually cleaned better than the $5 box I bought. The only cleaning products I still buy brand name are laundry detergent and Clorox wipes. I love Clorox wipes.
Pretty much everything else furniture, clothing, things I can wash I’m fine buying second hand and just giving it a good cleaning.
I’ve never seen an opportunity to buy used hair combs or brushes, but we have bought some kids barrettes and hair thingies at garage sales- after VERY CLOSE inspection and only because our daughter was pleading her case for really a great deal.
Shoes are worn hard in our family- they never really get a chance to be passed down or around- but occasionally we’ll get a pair of shoes for kids from others in our family or group of friends passing it on. My feet are so ginormous, I’d never had an opportunity to even find a pair at Rescue Mission or at a garage sale, but I’d buy if they fit.
Underwear- again, I’ve never really seen the opportunity, except for some underwear in boxes of clothing that circulates among our friends and family. I see nothing wrong or icky about it. We’ve also gotten second hand swimsuits for the kids in this manner.
We buy just about everything generic unless a manufacturer’s coupon gets us a better deal– and we try to make an issue out of what “real” Cheerios are, since sometimes they’ll be generic and sometimes not. Our kids have no brand loyalties and I hope we can keep it that way. We are 6 now living off one income, so managing the pennies is extremely important.
Appliances and electronics- we tend to buy new, because the opportunity doesn’t lend itself to buy used as much. Plus, when you factor in better efficiency of washes, dishwashers, refridgerators, etc- it’s likely cheaper in the long run to buy new. I did buy a used iron at a church sale once for crafting use- a big $2 splurge. I wouldn’t have bothered to buy a new one, but for $2- the convenience of having an iron in my craft room was well worth it!
I’ve bought both used computers and new ones. Both worked out fine, but my husband knew what he was looking at.
The same goes for cars, clothes and shoes…If you’re going to try the used and generic markets, you need more consumer savvy than if you march into Macy’s and chose a brand name product.
As most people have said underwear and computers, I’d like to add a new one to the list:
Lube. Disturbingly, a partner and I found generic lube at Food Lion once, and though he was a big fan of generics, we both agreed that that was beyond the pale!
Oh! I. am. so. sorry.
That did make me laugh hard!!
Once as a kid growing up I remember my Mom buying the generic “Why Pay More” brand of feminine napkins.
We learned, as she said that day, after we tried to use them:
“Now we know why we will want to pay more!”.
A very funny story that has stuck with me.
While I do occasionally buy used books, I don’t buy used CD’s especially from independent artists because they never see a $.10 from my purchase and it is important to me to support those people that inspire me and are busting their butt trying to make a living at it.
I tend to buy just about everything new (usually using coupons/rebates etc.) but I take really good care of the item so that it will last a long while.
I will not buy generic dog food or treats…and sometimes I make our own dog treats from scratch…lots of good recipes on line.
At a party once I won a new strap-on (complete with harness and all) but it was a cheap brand and I only use top quality in this consumer category…so I put it in my “stuff to go to Goodwill” box. I often wonder if my door prize made it to the floor…if so, some bargin hunter went home very happy!
Feminine products. Of pretty much any kind. Except certain store brand pantyliners. Otherwise they just fall apart!
No used underwear or swimsuits (if I don’t know the owner).
No used makeup…and not certain generic facial products, though others are fine (see link below).
@Karen–CVS makes a good lube. Just like Astroglide. I mentioned it in my post about some bad generics and a few good ones. But it doesn’t double as a warming massage lotion.
And I discovered that CVS tampons are pretty decent….