Cell Phone ExpensesI was adding up our expenses, and every time I do this I get so angry at how much we pay for our cell phones each month. Between the two of us our $70 plan adds up to $120 each month – that’s $1440 every year! What a lot of money just for the luxury of being able to text, “getting off the train, be home in 15” or “where are you guys? we’re here,” or being able to squeeze a chat in on the bus or while walking on my lunch break – is all that really worth nearly fifteen-hundred dollars a year?

Before cell phones we did just fine. We managed to make plans and meet up with people as easily as we do now. Yes, we were capable of showing up at the agreed-upon time without exchanges of ‘almost there!’ or ‘I’m early, sitting at the bar.’ We were paying for landlines back then, but I wonder how much – $25 a month? I know incoming calls on landlines are free, and for most plans so are local calls. Would it be worth it to give up the celly and free up the cash? How much would I miss it? After all, I sit at a desk all day with a phone on it that I don’t pay for. After work I usually head home, but if I were going to make a stop and let someone know I could call before I left.

I admit I’d feel oddly un-connected without my cell phone, but I’m sure I’d get used to it. I wonder if it’d make sense for me to give up my phone and have Brittany keep hers since she’s not desk-bound, although her place of employment does have a phone if I needed to get a hold of her. What do you think? Could you do it? Is it worth it?

Martinique Miller lives in Chicago with her partner, Brittany. She writes a personal finance blog with her two sisters, called Thrifty Sisters where they share their success with money.