Ten Money Questions for Davey Wavey
Davey Wavey maintains a popular blog at Break The Illusion where he charts his stories, experiences and reflections as a young gay man on his journey of exploration and discovery. A couple of times each week he posts talky blogs. When he volunteered to participate in our Ten Money Questions, he suggested answering in his trademark video format. Between his blog and videos, he reaches some 600,000 people a month. I suspect that since 99% of his videos are produced shirtless, most of the 600,000 viewers are gay men. But money, as he demonstrates, transcends gender and sexual orientation’¦ so I hope all of you enjoy this installment below!
More about Davey Wavey
Davey Wavey is 25 years old. He creates online strategies for nonprofit organizations and does freelance graphic design and consulting work. He maintains Break The Illusion where he has produced a line of workout videos and teaches virtual fitness classes.
Davey grew up in Rhode Island and after college, has been able to work remotely from such places NYC, Washington, DC, Buenos Aires and Toronto (where he currently resides now).
Read other Queercents interviews in the Ten Money Questions archive.
Content is ok, but what’s with being shirtless? How does that play into personal finance?
Honestly, good ideas can lose credibility if the presenter does not present himself appropriately.
No shirt? These sayings come to mind:
— “No shirt, no shoes, no problems.”
— “Sex sells.”
— “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”
All I know is, looks good to me!! I’m a “believer!”
Gary: You’re a gay man. I suspect Chicago Rob isn’t or otherwise, you think he’d be used to seeing gay men shirtless on the Internet.
I will buy whatever he wants to sell me!
i think love over powers money . love is more powerful then anything in this world . it helps to have it but even a poor life can have the best love and heart