At last our elected officials have realized that putting separate band-aids on separate bullet wounds ‘¦ one at a time, could not stop the bleeding. Now that there is discussion of a RTC – Resolution Trust Corporation‘esq – a government owned company that would buy the assets that banks and brokers don’t want, there is hope.

BTW’¦ for all you folks – ordinary taxpayers who think you’re getting screwed, you won’t. Those assets that the government buys will be sold later on to private equity players for a handsome profit, which comes back to the tax payer in the form of lowering the debt., This RTC Corp could likely be funded by hundreds of millions of dollars – i mean a huge sum of money.

But this post isn’t really about what the government is now going to do after major firms like Merrill Lynch merged with Bank of America and Bear Stearns was rescued by JPM. No this post is about how Lehman Brothers – one of the best firms on Wall Street had the ultimate ‘˜bear raid’ put upon them in the form of several creditors pulling their lines of credit forcing the company into bankruptcy. And then’¦ the Government says’¦ sorry – we can’t help YOU.

Then only a week later they help AIG. What gives? Does someone inside the beltway dislike Lehman Brothers? To me what happened to Lehman Brothers stinks!

Walter Schubert, a third generation member of the New York Stock Exchange is the Founder and CEO of The Gay Financial Network.

Photo credit: stock.xchng.