On Tuesday, we got our first flurries of snow in Maine. Admittedly, I’m a little disappointed that the sun is almost completely gone by four p.m, but beautiful flurries of snow on a cold crisp afternoon is still a beautiful sight.

  • When I saw this headline in the Boston Globe, it certainly did wonders to mitigate the disappointment over Prop 8 in California. (Read it in The Boston Globe)
  • Not only that, but 43 legislators in California support overturning Proposition 8. (Read it at The Advocate)
  • I love crafts. Any crafts all the time. So J.D.’s list of 34 DIY gift ideas is something I’m looking forward to immensely. If you’re stuck for gift ideas, this is a great place to start. (Read it at Get Rich Slowly)
  • We’ve already written about avoiding NSF fees and getting them refunded. Consumerist is now contributing on how to avoid record high bank fees. (Read it at Consumerist)
  • I love the concept of devoting a day to not spending a dollar. It seems like almost everywhere you turn there’s something being sold or someone convincing you that all you really need to be happy is to buy their product. A “No Spending Day” seems a great little way to counter that mentality. (Read it at I Will Teach You to Be Rich)

Queercents Flashback: Traveling in an environmentally friendly way is often hard to do because it almost always inherently requires above average consumption of fuel. And then there are the added expenses of food and lodging. Nina proposes a two in one solution to traveling greener and reducing expenses.