As Nina predicted, the announcement of iTunes dropping DRM music   (though movies and audiobooks still have the encrpytion) has been the big news of the week. With that in mind, here are some other DRM tidbits and some freebies.

  • In another example of the shortfalls of DRM, ebook provided OverDrive is shutting down causing users to lose their ebooks.   (Read it at BoingBoing)
  • If you have any interest in weighing in on the future of DRM, you can contact the FTC here.
  • The bizarre story of a woman being suffocated under her belongs   is a cautionary tail about the perils of materialism. (Read it at Jezebel)
  • I joke that I’ve conditioned myself to have a short attention span through the various research holes I fall into (the academic equivalent of going Oooh Shiney), so Cory Doctorow’s tips for Writing in the Age of Distraction are pretty interesting.
  • If you made a resolution to get in shape, you’re in luck! Bally’s fitness is offering a 30-day free trial period. (Read it at Consumerist)
  • In case you haven’t heard, the Consumer Product Safety Commission is going into effect in February, and will be forcing numerous small businesses and artisans, who can’t afford the third party lead testing, out of business. Fortunately, it’s not falling under the blogging radar. (Read it at Wisebread)
  • Astonishingly, I haven’t yet made a half dozen references to Suze Orman on the roundup, and none yet this year. I even checked. Fortunately, she’s offering her new book for free on, giving me a chance to add a link and up her totals. (Read it at

Queercents Flashback: Apparently it’s also becoming a tradition to to a Suze Orman flashback when she’s featured in the roundup. So here’s Paula’s article on Orman’s Oprah appearance.

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