I’m constantly amazed at all the free stuff available on-line. My latest find – quizzes and tests. For example, I’ve found that I’m an INFP Myers-Briggs personality type, and “pretty moral” from the Robin Hood Morality Quiz.

Yea, many of these “free” tests are designed to just get my contact info. Once I swam passed the sharks, though, I found a lot that were legit, from places like:

  • newspapers and magazines – such as CNN, Psychology Today, Oprah and, oh yes, even my new friends at AARP ( I just turned 50, for all you new readers.)
  • researchers at universities or other organizations gathering data
  • helpful organizations such as religious groups or Alcoholics Anonymous
  • developers of tests who are refining them through data acquisition
  • computer geeks
  • marketers showing you a little of their product in the hopes that you’ll purchase the souped- up version. These are sharks, but of a higher class. They at least give a little.

If you want to find out more about yourself, I’ve compiled a list of links. Dive in. These should not have annoying pop-ups, etc.

Find any of these to really be sharks? Know any others to add to the list? Leave a comment or e-mail me.

MSN Financial IQ Test – Can you manage your money?
Three sites offer free Myers-Briggs tests:

Real Age Test as seen on Today, MSNBC and 20/20

Longevity Calculator at AARP

IQ Test

Personality Tests
The Robin Hood Morality Quiz – How honest are you?

Psychology Today – Self Tests on just about everything you do.

Do you drink too much? How Much is Too Much?

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Rate Yourself on dozens of different topics

Personal DNA

The Personality Lab

Learn Myself

The acclaimed Gottman Institute has Quizzes on Relationships
Eclectic Energies -want to know where you are on the Enneagram? Or your strongest Chakras? I-Ching? 6 different spiritual quiz assessments.

Math, vocabulary, or geography skills – also for teachers.

Typing speed

Design Your Own Test
Test Design

photo credit: PicApp