“If five percent appears too small, be thankful I don’t take it all. ‘Cuz I’m the taxman, ye-ah I’m the taxman . . . and you’re working for no one but me.” ~The Beatles

OMG – It’s April 15th! Have you been waking up in a cold sweat for nights on end wondering if you’ll get your taxes filed in time? Or have you been sleeping peacefully, comforted by the fact that you dutifully filed your taxes back in February? If you’re a Queercents regular, I’m guessing it’s the latter.

Tax time is an excellent opportunity for members of the LGBTQ community to highlight the economic discrimination we face when the government refuses to acknowledge our relationships. We pay the same taxes as everyone else, yet we’re denied the same rights and benefits that straight couples take for granted. Let’s take this opportunity to start a conversation with our family, friends, and coworkers. Wasn’t the Revolutionary War fought over the issue of taxation without representation? If we pay equal taxes, aren’t we entitled to equal rights?

In honor of Tax Day, here’s a round up of all our tax-related coverage from the past month.
Documents Same Sex Couples Must File to Protect Their Relationships
Annie Liebovitz Pays Price for Anti-Gay Tax Laws
The So-Called “Gay Tax” Paid on Inheritance
Head of Household Filing Status: Another Perk at Tax Time for Same Sex Parents with Children
The Marriage Penalty: Same Sex Couples Still Ahead at Tax Time
Charitable Deductions Warm You Twice