Happy Saturday everybody! By now most college seniors are graduating so to all of the graduates and soon to be graduates, congratulations! And now, without any further ado, the roundup.

  • I recently recommended this site to a friend who’s looking to lower her cell phone bill. You simply enter your current plan and usage levels and it offers suggestions for cheaper plans and waves to save. It also works for credit cards and gas. (Read it here)
  • There’s a new credit card bill that just passed the Senate. If it gets signed into law, here’s what it could mean. (Read it at Lifehacker)
  • Speaking of credit, your credit score is important. Wise Bread offers 7 free and low cost ways to protect it. (Read it at Wise Bread)
  • Like the proverbial carrot on a stick, saving is easier with a specific goal in mind. (Read it at The Simple Dollar)
  • Identity theft is a scary prospect. Here are 33 things that go a long way in preventing identity theft. (Read it at Man Vs. Debt)

Queercents Flashback: Ok, this one’s not so much like a flashback and more like a promo: Clint has a Vlog series about credit cards and if you’ve seen too many of those films on debt in high-school econ class here’s Clint’s primer on credit cards.

Photo Credit: Stock Xchng