Long before Queercents, I remember pitching David Hauslaib (from Jossip and Queerty fame) about why we should collaborate on a personal finance blog for the gay and lesbian community. He asked me to write three sample posts and when the critique amounted to one too many markings from Captain Red Pen, I decided to forge ahead on my own. After all, did I really want to take direction from someone fifteen years my junior who thought my writing needed to be more service-oriented?

Apparently he knows a thing or two about publishing, but back then I favored long rambling posts that focused on the heart and soul of money. Fast forward a few years and I finally get his gist about writing more useful articles. Be of service to the reader.

I think my writing has improved since the inception of Queercents. The Advocate thinks so. Starting with the August issue, I’m the new finance advocate.  Check out my article and see if I nailed usefulness. It’s not easy to be of service in 500 words or less. Hopefully, I did okay.

Image credit: Advocate.com.