On Friday’s Marketplace Money, Host Tess Vigeland and Economics Editor Chris Farrell answer questions about how same-sex couples should handle assets and protect retirement money from over-taxation.

Farrell points the listener to, ‘œa pretty good web site which I’ve only recently been spending some time on called Queercents.com.’ Nice to hear we’re noted as a resource in the Getting Personal part of the program.

To catch it, be sure and click the ‘œListen to this Story‘ button for just that segment, rather than the ‘œListen to the Show’ button. Hat tip to Dana at Mombian for catching this on NPR and letting me know.

And while we’re on the subject of money segments, if you like podcasts, Trent at The Simple Dollar, lists several money podcasts that he listens to (as well as a few other suggestions from his commenters) including: Planet Money, Marketplace and Marketplace Money. All worth a listen.

Image credit: Marketplace Money.