Let’s start a wave of information – What are 25 different ways you save money? Whether it is daily or once in your lifetime, either jot it down in the comments or post to your own blog and link to it in the comments. It is always good to take a step back and see what good you ARE doing and where you can do better.

DollarmoneyHere are ways I have and continue to save money:
1. Change light bulbs to CFL bulbs to save money
2. Use Heat and Air Conditioning sparingly
3. Use the light of Day instead of lights in the house
4. Pay bills online or in person, instead of using stamps
5. Keep razorblades dry and clean so that they last longer
6. Write checks for over the amount instead of using an ATM with fees
7. Use plastic containers to store left over food for eating later
8. Turn off all lights when not in a room
9. Leave the car at home at least one day out of the week
10. Borrow books from the library instead of buying them
11. Use coupons and check grocery circulars to get the best deals
12. Cook meals at home, cutting back on eating out
13. Take lunch to work
14. Watch movies at home instead of in the theater
15. Wash clothes every 7-10 days
16. Wash clothes in cold water to save on heat
17. Every 6-12 months verify I am getting the best deal on utilities and insurance
18. Cut out all subscriptions to magazines unless I can get those free
19. Buy foods in bulk or when items are clearanced and save in freezer
20. Pick up money from the ground and save in a coin jar
21. Round up in check book and place excess in savings at end of the month
22. Making use of Employer’s 401k matching limit
23. Put raises or bonuses in savings or apply towards debt
24. Do research online for best value for money on medium to large priced items
25. Jump at the chance to take home food from work potlucks when asked

Since everyone saves money a little differently and we all can learn a thing or two from each other, What are your 25 ways to save?

Dawn C. is site owner of Frugalforlife.com and is residing in Colorado with her spouse, Teri, of 11 years. Dawn can be reached at Frugalforlife@gmail.com