Most people don’t buy everything new. Some buy used cars, get hand-me-downs, or recycle furniture from their parents. Garage sales are no different, you are just acquiring items in a new way and you should look at it as such. A way to save money, save landfills and find something you enjoy, last longer. Along the way though there are a few myths that have popped up that just don’t seem to go away.

1. Everything at a garage sale is used – Well, yeah. So has everything in your home, a hotel, at the gym and so on. Hardware items simply need to be washed well. Clothing can be cleaned by your own trusty washer and furniture can be steamed cleaned with a good steam vac and stain remover. Sometimes you can benefit from someone who overbuys and will be able to pick up items with the tags still on them or still in the box, but keep in mind, these are usually priced higher to reflect their newness.

2. Stuff is dirty – If dirt freaks you out, bring rubber gloves, baby wipes or a wet cloth and towel. When you do buy it, wash it first before setting it anywhere. Most sellers are kind enough to brush off the top layer of dust as they want to get rid of the item as quick as possible.

3. Why waste the gas when it can be bought online – True, you can. However, when you pay for shipping, you are paying for someone else’s gas (usps, ups, fedex). Also, you don’t receive quite the joy after searching 12 yard sales and finally finding the perfect piece for under a $1. And don’t forget you can handle the item in person and don’t have to worry about breakage during the shipping process.

4. You can’t find anything at garage sales – Patience has a great redeemer. The best part is finding the item just when you least expected or were looking for something else. It’s like magic!

5. It’s too time consuming – Have you never set foot in a mall? I can waste hours in a mall and only go into 3 stores. Consider what I could see in that same amount of time out garage saling. You don’t have to go to yard sales every weekend, you don’t even have to go unless the mood strikes you. Going garage saling should be a joy and not a burden.

6. You have to haggle – One of the interesting things about living in the US is that haggling is not expected, but the exception. Most sellers mark a price on an item and expect to get it. The fun part is is that you don’t have to buy it, but can haggle for it. Most people don’t have an idea how to price their items, so offer 10-20% off the marked price. You can always put it down and walk away.

Dawn C. is site owner of where this is a repost from: Myths of Garage Sale Shopping. Dawn resides in Colorado with her spouse, Teri, of 12 years.

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