Author Archives: Cate
Your Debt Plan: Three Steps to Tackling Your Debt
A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. '“General George S. Patton To get control of your debt, you need to make a plan.…
Getting Out of Debt: Frugality & Income Opportunities
Once we've realized that we're in debt and decided to do something about it, the natural sequel is to decide what to do. In future weeks, I'll be talking about…
Using Good Debt to Pay for a House, Car, or Education
Hello again! Cate here, talking, as usual, about debt. The point of my series here at Queercents is to talk about the dangers of getting into debt. But when I…
Debt Happens: living beyond your means and unexpected expenses
Everyone has their own money story. The basic principle of personal finance is that it's, well, personal. What works for one person doesn't always work for another. The most important…
Holy Crudknuckles, I’m in Debt!
Hi! I'm Cate, I'm in debt, and I'm going to be writing about it here on Queercents. I'm a recent college grad working in a non-profit job. After graduating, I…