Author Archives: Marc
Need Help Finding That Down Payment for Your Home?
With housing prices and interest rates plummeting faster than interest in watching more Michael Jackson coverage, the savvy investor/home buyer sees a thrilling opportunity that at first glance, may seem…
It’s as SIMPLE as I-R-A
This is the second installment of a series of articles designed for the small business owner who may be contemplating the plethora of business retirement plans available. I like simplicity.…
The Retirement Plan Family Tree: 401(k) Alternatives
This is the first part of a series of articles intended to help readers understand a business owner's options to the common 401(k), a plan that is often very expensive…
Year in Review: The Best of Marc
While we're taking a break during the holidays, follow along each day as our contributors provide a recap of their best posts from 2007. Thanks for reading and being a…
Two Epidemics: Retirement and HIV
Two weeks ago, Nina wrote an article titled: HIV and Surviving Retirement. I was especially intrigued by this one as it touched upon two extreme epidemics nobody likes to talk…
Why a Mutual Fund Makes More Cents
Why a Mutual Fund Makes More Cents When I first started my career back during the turn of the millennium, I was a little concerned. I asked myself (in fact,…
The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule: It appears to me (and I hope I am not alone in this) that many members of our community are playing the wrong game, fighting the wrong…
Please Give
Please Give In 1999, Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates was worth a record $90 Billion. Yes, that's with a B. That same year, the world's second richest man, Warren Buffett, was…
The Gay Libertarian
Why I'm a Libertarian Ok, so I'm a Libertarian. And suffice it to say I am proud of that fact. I don't jump on bandwagons too easily nor do I…
Stay Put (in the Market)!
Stay Put (in the Market)! Recently, many of my clients have asked me if they should get out of the market due to the increased volatility over the past few…