Author Archives: Nina - Page 16
Ten Money Questions for Cooper Smith
Cooper Smith is the editor-in-chief & publisher of Gay List Daily, a snarky, but superbly useful e-zine that boasts daily editions. I've dubbed it the DailyCandy for homosexuals. Cooper, who…
Queercents introduces Neil Scott
New Series Alert: Neil Scott is a young transguy living it up in the South. He is in college, one that looks the other way when folks bring up trans…
Equity Line of Credit: Seek Other Financial Shelter
'œAs long as the music is playing, you've got to get up and dance.' '“ Charles O. Prince, III, former CEO of Citigroup Earlier this year, the HELOC on our…
Life Insurance: More dependents, more premium
'œThe only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works is the family.' '“ Lee Iacocca With the birthmother due in mid-December, our baby's arrival…
Queercents in search of contributing writers
If you have stopped by Queercents this weekend, then I suspect that you're bored or stuck at work. We're in the midst of a traffic lull. If you think the…
Buy Nothing Day: Spend a Day without Spending
It's that special day of the year '“ the day after Thanksgiving! Some call it Black Friday. Others call it Buy Nothing Day: Though rushing to the mall or local…
Happy Recession: Layoffs in the blogosphere
'œBecause your Tumblr and Tweets, while clever, will not pay your bills.' '“ the folks at , creators of TypePad. Big blogs, little blogs, straight blogs, gay blogs'¦ apparently, the…
Ask the Readers: How much time do you spend each year planning for retirement?
'œLast year Americans spent 19 hours planning for their retirement. That's about the same amount of time they spent planning their Thanksgiving dinner.' '“ Allstate advertisement Retirement lasts a lot…
Ten Money Questions for Peterson Toscano
Ex-gay survivor and queer quirky Quaker, Peterson Toscano is a theatrical performance activist. His one-person show about how he tried to de-gay himself for a number of years is now…
Review: How to Profit from the Coming Rapture
The Rapture is coming, the Rapture is coming! Oy! This Christmas, I've found the perfect book for my family's white elephant gift exchange. It's called: How to Profit from the…