Author Archives: Nina - Page 2
How To Live on Practically Nothing
We're still looking for a new vlogger to take over where Clint left off. In the meantime, here is a video about how to live on practically nothing from my…
Annie Leibovitz and the $24 million question
When I first heard about the financial woes of Annie Leibovitz, the gay media had latched on to erroneous reports that it was somehow related to the 'œgay tax' incurred…
Take a pass at a short, short task.
For my articles at The Advocate, I'm always looking for interesting sites or services to write about that are related to personal finance. So when I learned about through this…
How To Find Cheap Airfare
We're still looking for a new vlogger to take over where Clint left off. In the meantime, here is a video about how to find cheap airfare from my new…
Financial benefits of being fluent in Mandarin
I've been to China several times with my day job and every time I go, I'm amazed at how increasingly relevant the country is becoming. I keep telling Jeanine that…
How much to spend on baby’s first birthday?
Sam is nearing his nine month mark and Jeanine is already thinking about his first birthday party. Based on this, I can tell she's going to be the better mommy…
Annie Leibovitz: creative types can’t be bothered with money
Plenty has been written about Annie Leibovitz and her financial woes, but after the latest exposé ran in The New York Times, Jean Chatsky used it to deconstruct the behavior…
The Gay Tax Shelter: Exploiting IRS Non-Recognition of Gay Marriage to Save Money
Gideon Alper publishes the Gay Couples Law Blog. The blog discusses new developments in same sex family law and estate planning. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and you can email…
Were you taught that being wealthy is not spiritual?
I believe my money personality was influence by factors from my childhood. I grew up in a home where I felt the stress of my parent's financial problems. As an…
Credit cards are for transactions; not to borrow money
In a recent post about credit card interest rates, Philip Brewer at Wise Bread explained: I use credit cards for transactions, not to borrow money. One of the smartest things…