Archives for Ask the Readers - Page 3
Playing Catch-up with Cold Turkey Finances
Last month I wrote about the trouble I have with staying at home because there are so many great places to eat and drink right outside my door. One reader…
Ask the Readers: How much do you give for the office collection?
'œMay your charity increase as much as your wealth.' '“ Proverb Way back when, I wrote a post about what to do when friends or co-workers ask repeatedly if you'll…
Ask the Readers: Borrow stuff more often to save money?
It just occurred to me: a friend lent me the book I'm currently reading. Another friend lent us her box sets of "Battlestar Galactica" which Zac and I recently got…
Are You Happy with Your Financial Services Provider?
Does being LGBT affect our ability to find and work with a financial services provider that we truly feels meets our needs? You bet it does and a recent national…
The City Dweller’s Dilemma: Fact or Fiction?
Last night Zac and I spent more time than necessary deciding on whether we should go out for dinner or stay in -- sometimes couples take forever just to make…
Ask the Readers: What factors influence your purchases?
As the value of the dollar drops, food prices climb and the price of gas edges its way into every conversation, I've noticed more and more people trying to stretch…
Ask the Readers: Is self-storage worth the money?
What's the opposite of a pack rat? Whatever that is, it's me. 95% of the time, I only buy what I need. I take good care of my belongings and…
Ask the Readers: Are Suze Orman critics right about her audience?
If it weren't for the 400 people arrested in the Justice Department's probe of securities fraud leading to the mortgage crisis, I'd say most of the financial press news this…