Archives for Family Finances - Page 6
How to Conserve Your Child’s Money If You Die Young
Some of you might find this subject a little unsettling but what will happen to the money you leave your children if you and your partner should die before the…
How my money personality mirrors my parenting style (and why raising a child feels a lot like having a joint checking account).
In the last month, Jeanine and I have had more disagreements than in all the six years we've been together. What's the cause? Decisions and choices that need to be…
How new parents can save money by making diaper wipes
'œChildren will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.' '“ Richard L. Evans Baby Sam is three weeks old today…
Life Insurance: More dependents, more premium
'œThe only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works is the family.' '“ Lee Iacocca With the birthmother due in mid-December, our baby's arrival…
Pink and Green Parenting: Five Reasons for Queer Parents to Vote
When I post my next Queercents article, we'll have a new president-elect. Yipee! (Hopefully, that yipee isn't ) For those of us still shell-shocked from the disaster of 2004 (not…
Pink and Green Parenting: DIY Toddler Toys for the Craft-Impaired
Toddlers love toys. They crave novelty, and are rather fickle: yesterday's favorite plushy is quickly abandoned for the allure of a new board book. And they love noise'”making it, hearing…
Fending off the Consumer Economy: Expecting a Newborn Baby
'œYou will always be your child's favorite toy.' '“ Vicki Lansky I had a meltdown last weekend at Babies R Us. We were there doing research on the things needed…
Four Tough Questions about Aging Parents’¦ And Step Parents
I worry about my parents' retirement plans and future medical care. As I've gotten older and more involved in the personal finance community, the prospect of my own retirement has…
Moneytalk: How (and Whether) to Talk to Your Kids About Your Financial Problems
How do we talk to our kids about our financial problems? Should we? As I read the umpteenth story about the difficulties people are having in this crazy market, I…
Clicking Without Consuming: Five Parenting Sites That Hawk Information Instead of Junk
One of the best things about the Internet is that it's free, at least for the user. Yet so many of the sites directed towards parents--not to mention kids-- are…