Archives for Financially Organized
Best Personal Finance APP’s
We put together a list of some of the best Personal Finance App's for the iPhone 5 and iOS. We started out with Mint which sends you alerts on things…
Are you prepared for 2011?
How about a QueerCents roundup of posts with New Years' Resolutions in mind. Free Expense Tracker Start Planning your New Year Setting realistic Goals Cost of Losing Weight Happy Holidays…
Intermediate Personal Finance Concept: The Slush Fund
I know a lot of people are struggling to find employment (or keep it), establish a budget, pay off debt, amass an emergency fund and put aside money for retirement.…
Annie Leibovitz and the $24 million question
When I first heard about the financial woes of Annie Leibovitz, the gay media had latched on to erroneous reports that it was somehow related to the 'œgay tax' incurred…
Annie Leibovitz: creative types can’t be bothered with money
Plenty has been written about Annie Leibovitz and her financial woes, but after the latest exposé ran in The New York Times, Jean Chatsky used it to deconstruct the behavior…
The Importance of Tracking Expenses
The other day I helped a friend establish a budget. We did what most people do and set up categories that were meaningful to him and filled in either known…
4 Elements of the Perfect Price List
Are you able to spot a bargain when you see it? Can you look at a sales flyer or a coupon and know that it's a good deal? I…
3 Reasons Why Gays and Lesbians Should Document Everything
I can't wait to walk down the aisle with my fiance. Since we've been together almost four years now, it's only natural that we'd love to show the world we…
Perils of Forced Personal Finance Software Upgrades
You can tell by the title of this post that the story isn't going to have a happy ending, right? Well, as you probably already know the major personal…
HRC to Host National “Tax Chat” on LGBT Financial Issues
April 15th is always a good reminder that gays and lesbians pay equal taxes but are denied equal rights. Isn't it time that we receive the same benefits for our…