Archives for Frugality - Page 33
$240 Off Telecomm for 12 Months
"Just ask" indeed! Armed with the simple "how to" on MyMoneyBlog, inspired by several past posts (specifically at BudgetingBabe and StopBuyingCrap), and today's carnival post about using competitive offers as…
Lowered Auto Insurance Cost
My auto policy renewal information showed up a few days ago, so I dug in looking for ways to reduce my cost. MA has fixed auto insurance rates and places…
Reducing Long Distance Expenses
Working Assets Long Distance vs. Sprint 50 At Home Even though we spend an average of only $15/mo on long distance, I've been looking for ways to reduce our cost…
2 More Cents on Surviving Unemployment
Nicole over at The Budgeting Babe has a great post about coping with sudden job loss. This got me thinking about how we got through our extra lean year. I…
Why Live Frugally?
What is it about being frugal, why do it at all? Actually, some people don't do it at all, they have decided that what they want and desire is what…