Archives for Hints - Page 21
A Home-Made Holiday
4Th of July weekend is coming up in the where we celebrate our freedoms realized through sacrifices made by the patriots who whooped the british, by eating BBQ'd meals, going…
Productivity: the secret sauce is to automate
"Obviously, the highest type of efficiency is that which can utilize existing material to the best advantage" - Jawaharlal Nehru One of my favorite sites is Lifehacker. Their motto is,…
Free Radio Online
I love free stuff and I think most people like a free item now and then as well. Being that I am on a computer 10-12 hours a day I…
Cool Down Your Home and the Spending
I'd like to highlight a few ideas that I have found work in my residence and of course if you have further ideas, don't hesitate to speak up and comment…
Thin Slicing and GTD
"One either meets, or one works." -- Peter Drucker My favorite time management technique is called touch it once. This post isn't specific to finances, but every now and then…
Air Freshener Matchsticks
When the odor in the bathroom gets to be too much it is best to use something to freshen the air, so as not to stink out the next user.…
A Few Clothing Tips
Any way you can reduce little expenses, do it. It is the little stuff that adds up and causes your wallet to leak money when you aren't looking. Every now…
Home Repair Ideas
Here they are in all their glory. Use them, laugh at them or add your own in the comments below. Just use common sense and always test an area first.…