Archives for Market Conditions - Page 2
$700 Billion or $7 Trillion: It Makes No Difference
That's right, I said it. It doesn't matter how much money Mr. Paulson, Mr. Bernanke, President Stupid or every member of Congress approves to fill the greed bucket of Wall…
Did someone inside the beltway dislike Lehman Brothers?
At last our elected officials have realized that putting separate band-aids on separate bullet wounds '¦ one at a time, could not stop the bleeding. Now that there is discussion…
The Stock Market is Tanking… What Do I Do?
BUY! Yes you read especially if you have your money in Broad Based Index Mutual Funds like Vanguard's 500 and YES it's Tanking badly too. Will they drop further in…
Regulators Should Bring Back Glass-Steagall
And there on the TV is the umpteenth financial '˜talking head' stating the grim obvious, such as 'œwe are going to be well into next year' before the housing market…
Bernanke Must Lead Or Be Replaced!
Ever since last summers meltdown of the Quants and Hedge Funds, Ben Bernanke has failed to see the signs of structural weakness in the financial system, and to take the…
When to Buy the Financial Stocks
When I was on the trading floor of the NYSE as an active broker, we had a saying about when to buy and sell a stock. 'œDon't fight the tape'.…
My Bet on Crude: $150 per barrel
With the worlds population at billion people, and the at 302 million (that's of the worlds population), and with the United States consumers guzzling roughly 14% (13 million barrels a…
Keeping it Simple during an Economic Downturn
The recent collapse of Bear Stearns, and all of the pain and anguish that has accompanied it, mainly by the employees and retirees should heighten the call for a review…