Archives for Misc - Page 15
Credit Protector Changes?
I love when My Money Blog gets all university on us and spells out what we need to do to put more money in our pockets. Whether it's arbitrage with…
From the title of my blog maybe you can guess that I am not the best person at maintaining orderly files. I am 38 years old and I have never…
My Missing Money
A couple of months ago, I found myself on the MissingMoney site. It's a searchable database of abandoned property throughout the US. On a lark, I searched on my name…
Teach a Woman to Fish
Today I had my first Rainbow Trout fish, broiled with lemon juice, salt and pepper. It was delicious! Surfgirl is a passionate fisherman and loves to catch trout to bring…
So…are we suckers?
Flexo drew my attention to Ted Rall's article on Yahoo: Charities are for Suckers in which the author claims: Cutting a check to the Red Cross isn't just a vote…
On Giving, Abundance & Fear
FMF has a short but thought provoking post in which he states his agreement with author David Bach on giving and his observation that "giving people become wealthy". I think…
Returning Crummy Products
Our purchase of a front-loading washing machine apparently requires "high efficiency" laundry soap. A trip to our "formerly favorite but very close grocery store" turned up no fragrance free options,…