Archives for Opinion - Page 15
Wardrobe Refashioning
Perhaps it's because the weather is so beautiful. Perhaps it's because vegetables are sprouting in our garden. Whatever the reason, I've been feeling creative. While surfing the internet one day,…
Overdraft Protection is NOT A Line of Credit!
I'm writing this with gritted teeth, because I am so insanely mad at myself over the whole overdraft protection thing. As I mentioned in my last post, Mommy Dearest has…
Pooh Bank as Fun Money
In our house the "what to do with spare change" question got answered very early on. It goes into the Winnie the Pooh bank atop the refrigerator. While we have…
Weekend Entreprenuer: An Interview With a Hobbyists Turned Capitalists
Adam Nelson recently interviewed a leader in his queer community who maintains a double life. Meet Kevin Waters a full-time civil servant who also runs a successful antiquing business on…
Budgeting: Spending Money with Intention
"A small leak can sink a great ship." -- Benjamin Franklin that's a topic that can be a conversation buzz kill at a cocktail party. So while it's not the…
In Need of Tissues
As my second set of friends embark on a pregnancy by a sperm donor, I read an ad in the paper offering $100 for the blood plasma of allergy sufferers.…
Devaluing Money
Wikipedia defines devaluation as "an official lowering of the value of a country's currency within a fixed exchange rate system." If you pay attention to the US mint, you'll notice…
Helena and The Lifestyle Trap – The L Word Season Four Finale
Last night was the Season Four Finale for The L Word and our friend Helena was up to a crazy money storyline once again. While it was far from the…
The Financial Power of Social Networks
Here's a guest post from our friends at Family Pride, the national non-profit organization helping to secure family equality for all loving families. Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director shares these We…
Does Money Buy Happiness?
In the March/April issue of Mother Jones, Bill McKibben has a fascinating and far-reaching article, "Reversal of Fortune". The subtitle reads "The formula for human well-being used to be simple:…