Archives for Opinion - Page 4
How Do You Know if You’re Saving Money at a Warehouse Club?
A couple of month's ago we made a trip out to Sam's Club at the suggestion of some friends who claim to save a lot of money shopping there. We…
Legalize Gay, Or: So You Think You’re Illegal?
American Apparel has launched a new t-shirt. It comes in a range of colors, including teal and pink, and has the words "Legalize Gay" emblazoned in white across the upper…
Father’s Day, Queer Families, and Gay Marriage
For J. I was ready to ignore Father's Day. I find such commercialised holidays tiresome and problematic, given that they are both hypercommercialised and overly sentimental (and perhaps those two…
The Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization, Part 2
The following article represents the views of the author and is not representative of Queercents, the site owner or its other writers. We've been talking about the pros and cons…
The Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization, Part 1
The following article represents the views of the author and is not representative of Queercents, the site owner or its other writers. This week I've been examining the possible economic…
Cannabusiness: Not Your Average Drug Dealers Anymore
The following article represents the views of the author and is not representative of Queercents, the site owner or its other writers. On a recent trip to Long Beach, I…
Does This Debt Make Me Look Guilty?
Debt is the little black dress in everybody's wardrobe. You may not want it, it doesn't really excite you, but you're encouraged to have one because you never know when…
Could Marijuana Legalization Balance the Budget?
The following article represents the views of the author and is not representative of Queercents, the site owner or its other writers. Did you hear the story on NPR last…
The Real Costs of the HIV Ban
This is Part 2 of a series on immigration. It looks at the real costs of the HIV ban, in place since 1987, and provides a brief look at the…
Is Pride Passe?
I just got back from my eighth Long Beach Pride celebration. I used to look forward to the parade with anticipation every year. I love all of the floats and…