Archives for Self-Employment - Page 3
What is Your Networking ROI?
Whether you have a job, own a business, or are looking for a job, chances are you are networking now more than ever. Networking is placed on a pedestal like…
The official drink of Jesus: Christians and MLM schemes
MLM = Multi-level marketing The official drink of Jesus = MonaVie Every few years, it seems that born again Christians latch onto the latest MLM scheme and use church to…
Microenterprise: Update
A few weeks ago I wrote about an idea for a microenterprise I'm calling Lunch for Friends. In summary, I'm already making frugal and healthy meals for my little family…
The Importance of Contracts in Business
For any person who contracts his or her own work out this article is a must read because it reminds you to protect yourself and know your rights. The other…
Why do I need to create an LLC?
A recession might not seem like the best time to start a business, but as Paula recently wrote, a slowdown can provide you with the time and financial incentive to…
Finding Balance in Your Life and Business
Oh that elusive work/life balance. Just when you think no one is talking about it (yet alone achieving it) it comes around again. Perhaps the reason that is so is…
Micro-Enterprises for the Gamefully Unemployed
Lately I've been thinking about ways I can leverage things that I am already doing for my family for the benefit of others. Specifically employed "others" who might be willing…
No job? Start Your Own Business
Have you been downsized, right-sized, experienced a layoff, or simply seen your employment vanish over the last year of the recession? You're certainly not alone. While many business owners are…
Podcast with Lauren Bacon and Emira Mears, Authors of The Boss of You
It's that time again for another one my Comfortable in Your Own Skin Podcasts. April's installment features Lauren Bacon and Emira Mears, authors of The Boss of You: Everything a…
Escape from Cubicle Nation Pre-Order Book Special
My friend Pam Slim at Escape from Cubicle Nation has some excellent news today. Her Escape from Cubicle Nation book, officially hitting the shelves on April 30, is now…