For some people Sleater-Kinney is the best band around. If you are a fan you may know that they are going on an extended hiatus. And you may aleady know that they will be playing one of their last concerts in Washington D.c

What you may not know is that you can listen to the concert live and (being the frugal person, I am) you can listen to it for FREE.

On Tuesday August 1 at at 10 pm EST at

If you are unfamiliar with Sleater-Kinney, they are a band that formed 10 years ago and were considered a “riot grrl”, punk group at the time. They still only play with two electric guitars and drums. Though they seem to have distanced themselves from that label New York Magazine said, “It’s insulting to call Sleater-Kinney the best female rock band in the world when they’re one of the best rock bands, period.”

For more information on the concert at NPR
For more information on Sleater- Kinney