Imagine What is Possible in 2008…
Take a moment to imagine 2008 as the year you finally get comfortable in your own skin, make peace with your relationship to money, and create the life you You…
Ten Money Questions
Our guest gets personal below about money, memories and why we need to get serious about our finances. Enjoy! 1. How do emotions impact decisions with saving and spending? For…
The Retirement Plan Family Tree: 401(k) Alternatives
This is the first part of a series of articles intended to help readers understand a business owner's options to the common 401(k), a plan that is often very expensive…
My Take on Personal Finance and Freedom
For my inaugural post to Queercents I'd just like to introduce myself. I'm a thirtysomething single guy living in Atlanta. I'm not a native southerner but I've lived here long…
Sleeping with Money: Putting in the Sweat Equity
Sometimes the relationship cash flow is less about money and more about manual labor. At least that is what the last weekend or so taught me at our place. They…
Taxing Our Patience at Mombian
Dana Rudolph over at Mombian had this to say about TurboTax's marketing and how their software handles same-sex relationships: Tax-preparation software TurboTax has a number of Web pages devoted to…
Bliss Doesn’t Come with a Direct Deposit
I am now less than two weeks away from my thirtieth birthday. Thirty is a big, fat, round number. And since I'm coming up on this big fat round number,…
WWYD: Sharing Your Financial Goals
'œGoals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.' '“ Brian Tracy Many of us have set 2008 financial goals these past few weeks. If you haven't done this and…
How Much Is Your Time Worth?
Time is money. Right? A lot of personal finance and productivity bloggers are proponents of quantifying time by some formula related to your income, and judging the value of tasks…
Track Financial Goals vs. Expenses with the MoneyPants Budgeting Tool
I guess I've gained a reputation for being some sort of militant expense tracker, which is fine by me because I believe it's a great way to develop money consciousness…