Lesbian baby-making and expense of donor eggs
'œLove and eggs are best when they are fresh' '“ Russian Proverb Yesterday, the FedEx driver and recognizable sistah, dropped off the latest batch of medication flown in from the…
Are Non-Holiday Gifts Better Appreciated?
Some people scorn those who hate gift giving. Another group resents those who expect a gift. And then there's Joel Waldfogel, an economist who has dedicated his life to the…
The Financial Benefits of Siesta
I learned about siesta first as a child visiting Mexico and then as an adult from pure necessity. I used to be a preschool teacher from 8-1 every day. That…
The Capital Gains Tax Rate: Is Change on the Horizon?
Laurie Flynn is a Financial Advisor with Smith Barney and is a supporter of Queercents. She's written a few posts these past weeks on the topic of investing. These are…
How To Project Your Cash Flow
I am constantly amazed at the amount of money people waste on bank charges. Overdraft fees are not worth the line of credit they provide. Are you wandering the rough…
Thrifty Tips for Odor Removal
Natural ways to remove odors or cut down on them; because you don't want a face like this when you come into your home. Homemade Airfreshener 1- Check your cupboard…
Pay God first? Pay yourself? Or get out of debt?
'œDebt is the slavery of the free.' '“ Publilius Syrus We've all heard David Bach's mantra, 'œPay yourself first' and why it's the reliable path to achieving wealth. But not…
What if Money is Just Like Water?
In my search for some nourishing reading in terms of money and finances, I was led to a book that has been on my list to read for ages, The…
Dollar-Par Is An Alternative But Effective Budgeting Method
Here is a budgeting idea that I've used from time-to-time for short or extended periods. The basic concept is similar to golf. In golf a hole is classified according to…
WWYD: Earmark Your Tax Dollars
I remember one of my first conversations with a friend, who quickly became a client. She told me "Honey, I don't mind paying my taxes. It goes toward our maintaining…