Separate but equal?
I met my boyfriend last year and we really hit it off like a house on fire, the whole "love at first sight" thing. I can't get enough of this…
Oct 16th: Tax Deadline for those who filed extensions!
In years past, the IRS had a 2 part system for filing on extension. They gave a 4-month automatic extension until August 15th, which most of us used! You could…
Car Winterizing: Inside and Out
It's that time of year here in the snowy states, in which you will find people who either hate it or love it. But that doesn't matter if you aren't…
Monopoly and Capitalism
"What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is…
Tall vs. Short: The Debate over Earning Potential
"All limitations are self-imposed." -- Ernest Holmes Mark Borden of The New Yorker recently reported in an article called Shortchanged that there is a connection between height and money earned.…
Buying Self Esteem
"It is pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed." - Kin Hubbard In an effort to provide a little more testosterone at Queercents,…
Book Review: Your First Million by Lynnette Khalfani
"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year." -- John Foster Dulles…
Partners and Money Attitudes
My partner, Surfgirl, and I come from quite different backgrounds. She came from a home that had a nanny/housekeeper and even rode to school in a limo for a time.…
Ten Money Questions for Helen Boyd
Helen Boyd is a writer best known for her study of gender and probably would agree that money spends the same whether it is carried in a purse or wallet.…
Fighting Identity Theft — Shred Everything
"Know thyself." " Inscription at the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece My sister visited from Ohio last weekend and as usual we sat around dissecting quirks about our family.…