Bike Commuting: Getting a Bike
Before we get started, a little disclosure. I commute about fifteen miles a day round trip and about three quarters of it is off road. As such, I rock a…
Stretch Your Food Dollar: Storing Seasonal Fruit
I love strawberries. Seriously. When I go to the farmers' market and see the strawberry lady who drives all the way from Oxnard, CA every week, I want to marry…
Teaching Money Management to the 12 and Under Set
Our current allowance system is broken. My kids aren't seeming to grasp the basics of money management around budgeting, saving and investing. Looking back, I was better with money as…
How To Adjust Your Giving In Tough Economic Times
I don't know about you, but the amount of mail I've received lately from various charities has been mind blowing. "Please renew" and "Anything you can give" pepper the correspondence…
Queercents introduces Eric
Last week I put out a call for a travel writer and voila, a travel writer appeared. Eric is excited to be joining the Queercents family as he will be…
My Financial Implosion: Keeping the Plastic Paid Off
'œToday, there are three kinds of people: the haves, the have-nots, and the have-not-paid-for-what-they-haves.' '“ Earl Wilson In a world where credit card issuers can suddenly give you unfavorable…
Save Money… Carry A Thermos
Has your employer, perhaps done like mine did a couple of months ago, decided that the tanking economy was a good excuse to stop supplying Free Coffee for everyone (except…
I Have the Current Economy to Thank for Crystallizing my Ultimate Personal Finance Goal
I used to just be interested. Now I'm obsessed with financial independence. As Queercents readers probably know, financial independence does not equate with wealth. At least not wealth the way…
You get what you measure
Didja' ever notice that how you measure something sometimes changes the outcome? In the 1980's CEO's compensation changed from a salary-and-bonus plan to being directly tied to the stock price,…
Father’s Day, Queer Families, and Gay Marriage
For J. I was ready to ignore Father's Day. I find such commercialised holidays tiresome and problematic, given that they are both hypercommercialised and overly sentimental (and perhaps those two…