You might have noticed lately that we’re light on content written by men. Of course, we’re forever grateful for the many new female writers (Helen, Holly, Lynn, Regan and Yasmin) that recently joined our fold. That said, there is still something about having a balance and a gay male perspective at Queercents. So we’re pleased to announce a new writer.

Mat Alexander (aka as resides in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with hubby, Thomas, his mom and 4 cats. He recently graduated with a degree in Sociology and likes to write about debt reduction, frugal living, couponing and finding great deals. He’s focused on saving in order to pay down his student loans and buy their first home. Mat is on the right with Thomas on the left.

We look forward to his perspective and posts coming soon. Keep in mind; we continue to be on the lookout for more testosterone here, so if you want to write, please drop me an email at: nina [at] queercents [dot] com and let me know your idea ‘“ writing a short multi-part series is a great way to start by putting your toe in the blogging waters. Or you can dive right into the deep end where the rest of us are treading water.