Queercents Weekly Roundup: One Week ‘Til Pride Week
Pride week isn’t even here and already I got to celebrate two of my friends coming out with the fantastic movie But I’m A Cheerleader. And Iowa and Vermont have legalized same-sex marriage. Who’s looking forward to pride week? I’m looking forward to pride week. But before we get there, the roundup.
- Doing some spring cleaning? Here are seven ways to clean with zero waste. (Read it at Planet Green via The Huffington Post)
- If you’re looking for a job, Wise Bread offers six solid online resources for finding one. (Read it at Wise Bread)
- Paying bills isn’t something I’d describe as fun, but Billeo offers a toolbar extension that will at least make it easier to manage your online information and remember payments. And by popular demand it now comes in a new mac flavor. (Check out Billeo here)
- Alright, so Easter’s this weekend and I couldn’t resist. I always got a kick out of this website that details what happens when trying to separate Peep quintuplets and other scientific experiments on those little marshmallow candies that always seem so abundant this time of year. (Check out Peep Research here)
- JD offers 25 financial rules of thumb. (Read it at Get Rich Slowly)
- Here’s some consumer pyschology: touching stuff in the store makes you want to buy it. (Read it at Consumerist)
Queercents Flashback: Receipts drive me nuts, but they’re important to save. Here are some tips for organizing your receipts.
Elizabeth, I hate to say it, but I’m so over Pride. It seems like every year Pride is the same – same Bacardi booth, same drag queens, same drunken fools . . . Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE me some drag queens and some leather daddies. But last year even the leather tent left me feeling let down. This year I’m not wasting any money on Pride and I may even skip the parade.
Interesting. I’ve never been to a pride celebration like that…Here in Maine my friends and I just use it as an excuse to play board games, watch queer movies and have fancy dinner parties, aka an excuse to have fun and get together. I think I’ve only been dimly aware of extensive pride celebrations, but never attended. My pride plans sound more fun than Barcadi booths and drunks though, I think.