Seeking Queercents Intern
‘œI had really gone to Washington as a short pit stop on my way to graduate school.’ ‘“ Monica Lewinsky
Looking for a short pit stop? Queercents needs an intern. We can’t promise fame and fortune but we’re busy and need help.
After interviewing The Amateur Gourmet for Ten Money Questions, I noticed he posted a call for interns and received thousands of applicants. He picked four.
We’re looking for just one. These are the ‘œjob’ requirements.
- Interested in money. (Although you won’t be making any with this gig.)
- Familiar with WordPress blogging software.
- Talented enough to write a guest post once a week about twentysomething finances. It’s an easy topic especially if you have student loans or credit card debt.
- You can live anywhere. That’s the beauty of the Internet.
- Savvy about Hollywood and entertainment types. One thing you’ll be doing is helping me with Ten Money Questions‘¦ my-people-will-call-your-people kind of thing.
If interested, then send an e-mail to: nina AT queercents DOT com. Please include a short writing sample ‘“ 500 words or less ‘“ about why you’re willing to intern for no money.
Unfortunately, this probably isn’t something that will count for school credit, unless you attend Smith College and can convince them it’s part of your feminista, quirky queer senior project. Otherwise, if you’re at Florida State or Pasadena City College’¦ well, you’d probably just be doing this as a resume builder.
Good luck with finding someone!
Yes! I got such a kick out of the Smith College reference.