Subscribe: our RSS is back to full feed mode
Once again, our Syndication Feed is available in full feed mode. So if you’re in love with your Google Reader and don’t have time to visit a lot of sites, then RSS in full feed mode might be just the ticket! Subscribe here.
Feel free to sign up for our newsletter while you’re at it. It publishes the Queercents highlights every other week ‘“ just enough to keep you in the queer money loop without clogging up your mailbox. Interested? Sign up here.
Finally, since I’m asking you to do a few things, why not try our affiliate partner’s budgeting program. MoneyPants offers a free trial here. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Have a great weekend and try not to spend too much money!
Thank goodness. I have missed your full feeds. Thank you very, VERY much for bringing them back.
I heart full feeds!
Denise & AJ: Glad to hear you’re pleased! I had a no idea so many people were turned off by the summary version of our feed until Trent at The Simple Dollar indicated recently that he wasn’t reading anymore because we had switched from full feed. This happened (not intentionally) when our site relaunched last year with the new design. Thanks to Paula for fixing it with some fancy plugin!
If there’s ever something you don’t like about the site, please let us know. We’ll consider your suggestion and try to make it better!
Now that you mention it, I would really appreciate an RSS feed for comments. It would help tech-savvy Queercents enthusiasts (like myself) stay active in the conversation
I just added that feature to my own blog if you want to see how it works.
AJ: Thanks for the idea. I’ll have Paula look into this and we’ll see if we can make it happen.
AJ: The RSS feed for “comments” is available by clicking here. A big thanks to Paula for setting this up!