Tag archives for bankruptcy
Does This Debt Make Me Look Guilty?
Debt is the little black dress in everybody's wardrobe. You may not want it, it doesn't really excite you, but you're encouraged to have one because you never know when…
My Financial Implosion: Buying a Truck after Bankruptcy
'œA fool and his money are soon parted.' '“ Thomas Tusser In January 1998, I received a letter from the bankruptcy court informing me that my bankruptcy had been discharged.…
My Financial Implosion: Living in an RV
'œHe is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home' '“ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe On Sunday, November 30, 1997, I officially became homeless. I'd…
My Financial Implosion: Filing Bankruptcy
'œCapitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell.' '“ Frank Borman During the spring and early summer of 1997, I finally realized that a series of bad decisions on my…
My Financial Implosion: The Backstory
'œIn the business world, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.' '“ Warren Buffett As the media announces more and more bad economic news about the recession,…
Illness or Injury: 4 Ways to Avoid Medical Bankruptcy
'œIf the debtor be insolvent to serve creditors, let his body be cut in pieces on the third market day. It may be cut into more or fewer pieces with…
Is Your Gift Card Worthless Because the Company Went Bankrupt?
What do you do when the company from which you received a gift card goes into bankruptcy? Suddenly your prized gift (and money spent by someone) becomes literally just a…