Tag archives for Career
The Greater Economic Picture – how does it affect you?
As a child in the 1970s, I felt like I was living on the edge of a green pasture. The baby boomers were piled ahead of me and it was…
Steps For Cleaning Up Your Online Persona
Last week I mentioned that your online persona could be costing you jobs. Everything that we say or do online is available for anyone to see, so it's very important…
Is Your Online Persona Effecting Your Career Potential?
If you're on the job market right now, you've probably noticed that it's a competitive environment. The number of available jobs has dwindled, and the number of applicants for those…
Buying The Tools Of Your Trade
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about how buying the more expensive option on personal belongings could actually be cheaper over the long run. How does this…
A Letter to My Heart
I had the opportunity to participate in the letter to my heart series at BlogHer for Valentine's Day 2009. As I wrote this post, I thought how strongly this letter…
News Bites: Boost your career with cosmetic surgery!
I scoured my Google Reader in search of less apocalyptic topics to discuss, but methinks financial press editors are getting one helluva a high from reporting nonstop gloom and doom…
What I Learned On My Spring Vacation
As I've mentioned a few times, I spent last week on vacation, visiting a friend in Portland, Oregon. I learned a great deal about composting, cereal, kayaking, heterosexual drama,…
What Comes First: Your Work or Values?
This recent news story was clearly designed to appeal to sentimentality. Nonetheless, you'll likely forgive the journalist's approach. The protagonist: Debbie Shank, a brain-injured woman whose 18-year-old son was killed…
WWYD: Workplace Email Transgressions
Someone takes credit for your work. A project falls short of its objectives. When the boss asks how this happened, your co-worker throws you under the bus. Social ineptitude. Imperious…
Ten Money Questions for Lane Hudson
A year ago, Queercents interviewed Lane Hudson, after he gained fame as the Washington Whistle-Blogger by posting improper e-mails sent by Mark Foley to a congressional page. Today, we check…