Tag archives for credit card debt
Holiday Credit Card Debt
Happy Groundhog Day, Queercents readers! It is I, your friendly neighborhood vlogger, back from hiatus with a new blog post on holiday credit card debt. I know the holidays are…
Get the Scoop on Credit Card Abuse
If you watched Clint's vlog about credit cards yesterday, you probably caught his tip about paying your credit card bill on time. Those credit card companies aren't just mafioso -…
$3,000 for every man, woman and child
As usual, politics and the economy became topics of conversation after the family dinner yesterday. One of Jeanine's relatives mentioned that the better stimulus plan would have been to give…
Your Debt Plan: Three Steps to Tackling Your Debt
A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. '“General George S. Patton To get control of your debt, you need to make a plan.…
Debt Happens: living beyond your means and unexpected expenses
Everyone has their own money story. The basic principle of personal finance is that it's, well, personal. What works for one person doesn't always work for another. The most important…