Tag archives for Frugality - Page 2
Economic Collapse-R-Us: 22 Lifestyle Changes of Middle Class America
Consumerism shmoozerism. I'm saving every cent I can. And, in "Recession World-2009", so is most of middle class America. The economic collapse has reduced a lavish "charge it and…
10 Ways to Save Money on Fees
We all know that Nickel and Diming ourselves is one way to save the big money. I thought I would jot down some ways we voluntarily or unknowingly give up…
5 Steps to Prosper at Frugal Living
Frugal living is essentially about only a few things, it is amazing how we can take those few points and expand on them though. Step 1) 'œUse It Up, Wear…
Is the Sunday paper worth the expense?
At $ a month it has been decided that the Sunday paper is no longer worth the money. I'm canceling the Sunday paper for a few reasons: 1. I don't…
An Alternative to Freecycle: The ReUseIt Network
1. If you have been booted off of a freecycle group for a rule that you weren't aware If you have been booted off of freecycle because you didn't post…
Breeding Plastic Containers: what to do with all that plastic?
This morning I was grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard and knocked over a batch of plastic containers we have stored in the cupboard for left-overs. It appears that…
A Day in Money
At this moment--Tuesday night when I'm writing this, or Wednesday morning when it's published, doesn't matter--the weather in the DC metro area is abhorrent. It's cold, slushy, slippery, gray, and…
The Elite Shop at Costco: Learning from the Scandal of 2007
The older and more conservative about money I get, the less interested I become in trying out all the newest restaurants. Perhaps I've lived in the same city too long…