Tag archives for needs vs. wants
The shifting views of household luxuries vs. household necessities.
Yesterday on NPR, there was a short segment (less than five minutes) about what household items are now considered to be luxuries vs. necessities (to start, think televisions, landlines and…
Do we really need everything that we want?
It's interesting that when the price of gas dropped so dramatically in the past several months that consumption never rose to the levels before the high cost caught us off…
Procrastination: The Essence Of Frugality
The essence of or at least procrastination is what family and friends call it when I wait to purchase something. I call it waiting (or looking) for a bargain. It…
Needs vs. Wants: Having money to throw around…
Recently, Lauren at Feministe, one of the oldest feminist blogs, mentioned us in her weekend roundup. She writes: SINCE I'M BROKE and the economy has been tanking I've been perusing…