Tag archives for Retirement
Monte Carlo estimator for retirement planning
How do I figure out whether I'm saving enough for retirement? What's the impact of one bad year in the stock market? How much can inflation erode my nest egg?…
Should I fund my 401(k), Roth, or traditional IRA?
There are three types of retirement investment accounts for employees: 401(k), Roth IRA, and the traditional IRA. If your employer offers a match to your 401(k) contributions, then your first…
Careful If You Relocate – State Budget Shortfalls Mean Higher State Taxes
41 states could go bankrupt by 2009-2010 - the table below shows which are the worst. As state governments scramble to stay above water - cutting both unneeded and needed…
My Financial Implosion: Better Preparations
'œChance favors the prepared mind.' '“ Louis Pasteur Climbing out of the dual financial pits of foreclosure and bankruptcy wasn't just a matter of luck. Getting out of the…
Ask the Readers: How much time do you spend each year planning for retirement?
'œLast year Americans spent 19 hours planning for their retirement. That's about the same amount of time they spent planning their Thanksgiving dinner.' '“ Allstate advertisement Retirement lasts a lot…
Million Dollar Bets about Kelly McGillis and The L Word
'œHow pleasant is the day when we give up striving to be young -- or slender.' '“ William James Last week, as we were watching episode 7 of The L…
Retirement and the Savings Gap for Women
'œRetirement: It's nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese.' '“ Gene Perret For many people, contemplating retirement can…
I moved to Indianapolis for the money!
I'm very excited that I have been asked to be a contributing member of Queercents. I've never been a writer, so I ask that you excuse any mild grammar errors.…