Tag archives for spending
Turning Spenders Into Savers: Personal Savings Rates
What's your personal savings rate? As a spender trying to turn myself into a saver, my own savings rate has fluctuated pretty wildly. I'm proud to report that it is…
Turning Spenders Into Savers: Understanding Sales Pitches
Just because the biggest shopping season of the year is behind us doesn't mean us shoppers don't have to deal with temptation. In fact, the abundance of 'œsuper sales' this…
Turning Spenders Into Savers: Needs vs. Wants
In the midst of this holiday season, we spenders have to face quite a bit of temptation out there. While I do believe it is possible to turn a spender…
Turning Spenders into Savers: The Benefits to Paying in Cash
Have you seen the new Visa Check Card commercial? It features a lunch room cafeteria in full swing, with dozens of people ordering, cooking, walking and paying '“ all perfectly…
Ask the Readers: Do you find marketing materials effective?
One day I came home from a long day of work and found a purple Chinese food menu flier attached to the front gate of my apartment building. I saw…
Turning Spenders into Savers: Why We Buy
There are many theories that aim to label people's relationship to money (almost as many as those that label relationships to other people- as we all know!), and I'm sure…
Ask the Readers: Is self-storage worth the money?
What's the opposite of a pack rat? Whatever that is, it's me. 95% of the time, I only buy what I need. I take good care of my belongings and…
A Day in Money
At this moment--Tuesday night when I'm writing this, or Wednesday morning when it's published, doesn't matter--the weather in the DC metro area is abhorrent. It's cold, slushy, slippery, gray, and…
Queercents Weekly Roundup: The Barbie Car
My roommate got me an awesome birthday present back in September, so it was a pretty big deal to get her something quality for Christmas. Inspiration struck when we…
A Better Way To Spend That
First of all--hello, Queercents! It's wonderful to meet you. Preparing my first post, scheduled to go up right at Thanksgiving, no less, was proving pretty daunting. How to adequately introduce…