Tag archives for Twitter
Save the Gay Blogosphere by using Social Media Payouts?
You may or may not have heard that many gay blogs have shut down recently including Queerty. While there are many standing by to take its place they are…
Is the Way You Use Social Media Hurting Your Career?
Every time I read an article like the recent "How social media can hurt your career" on Careerbuilder, I am grateful that we didn't have social media back when I…
The Broke Diaries: Using Blogs And Twitter To Live Cheaply
Nichelle Stephens, author of our Ten Money Questions series needs your vote. Nichelle has a project proposal for a 2010 SXSW panel on using social media tools to manage your…
Queercents Weekly Roundup: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow?
I'm fairly certain I have seen the sun twice in the past two weeks and as a result that song, sung atonally by my coworkers, has become a fixture in…
Boost Work Productivity With Social Networking
Admit it - you check your Facebook and Twitter accounts while you're at work. I know I do. (Oh wait . . . I work from home . . .…